Opportunities in an Uncertain Time – Hong Kong Private Wealth Trends & Development

Against the backdrop of the year 2020 which has brought unprecedented change and challenges in an uncertain world, in our contribution to the Chambers & Partners Global Practice Guide on Private Wealth 2020, our Founder & Managing Partner Vivien Teu penned her observations and thoughts, with an overview on the current complex and dynamic time that is shaping private wealth issues and planning needs, at the same time highlighting the trends, updates and opportunities that private wealth advisors can seek out amidst the uncertainties as Hong Kong further develops as a private wealth centre.

At the time of writing, the world is facing the biggest public health crisis of the century, and though the battle is not over, Hong Kong demonstrated success in its fight when it was one of the earliest places to navigate all the unknowns and fears of the new coronavirus Covid-19.  This should give some confidence in Hong Kong’s resilience, even as Hong Kong faces fresh questions on its long-standing position as the bridge between China and the world, and as a city with rich tradition and characteristics of the East as well as the West. 

As with everywhere, private wealth advisors and clients have adapted to the new normal of an increasingly transparent world of FATCA and the common reporting standard, which makes robust and effective planning even more important and necessary.  While this is the new normal in the world of private wealth planning, Hong Kong is confronting its own unique uncertainties but Hong Kong’s unique role remains key and continues to evolve alongside the changes and developments of China’s economic and financial markets, while at the same time finding its place along with Mainland China in a new geo-political order of a rising China.

From the natural and ready advantages of Hong Kong as a leading international hub for initial public offerings and as an established asset management centre and funds industry, to Hong Kong’s positioning to be a private equity hub, family office hub and sustainable finance hub, as well as a review of the current regulatory landscape on operating an investment business or trust business, Hong Kong’s tax environment and Greater Bay Area plans, Hong Kong offers unique infrastructure for private clients in building their business empire and also legacy.

In the crisis it brings much hope and encouragement to see an explosion of philanthropic initiatives and calls for a hard look at our society’s values and purposes to build back better post-Covid, gathering strong momentum for environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations in both public and private markets towards positive impact.    There are increasing interest and scope for more private clients who are entrepreneurs and high-net-worth individuals/families to engage in philanthropy, either through family foundations or charitable giving, as well as engaging in impact investments.    In June 2020 the SFC and the HKMA has launched the new Green and Sustainable Finance Cross-Agency Steering Group which signals an exciting milestone for more coordinated approach and actions towards ESG policy-making in Hong Kong. The Financial Services Development Council (FSDC) has also issued its paper the following month, on developing Hong Kong into Asia’s ESG Investment Hub.

The write-up concludes that Hong Kong is a progressive centre that does not rest on its laurels, but continues to review and keep pace with international developments and standards.  Despite challenges and uncertainties, there are reasons abound for confidence that Hong Kong continues to compete and present significant opportunities and tools as a centre for private wealth management. 

Download the pdf of the publication in full:

The e-Edition of ‘Private Wealth 2020’ and any of its individual chapters are downloadable from the Global Practice Guides website via the link below: 









任何人士或实体从事“私募股权”或“风险投资”投资组合的交易、提供意见或管理,视乎投资组合是否涉及证券,可能有潜在的牌照要求(注:“证券”的定义不包括《公司条例》第 11 条所指的私人公司的股票或债权证)。如果LPF的普通合伙人,投资经理或顾问在香港开展业务及从事有关不属于《公司条例》所指的“私人公司”定义的离岸私人公司的股份或债券的交易、提供意见或管理,则很有可能须持有相关牌照,除非有特定豁免。



本地规定并没有限制香港管理人只能设立香港投资基金,SFO 也没有在持牌人士从事受规管活动或证券销售方面对本地基金和离岸基金进行区分。对于香港管理人来说,以有限合伙基金形式在开曼群岛等离岸司法管辖区设立私募股权基金是很常见的,从税收角度来看亦是较为有利及具灵活性。






张慧雯律师(邮箱:vivien.teu@vteu.co)/ 何琄律师 (邮箱:sarah.he@vteu.co








任何人士或實體從事“私募股權”或“風險投資”投資組合的交易、提供意見或管理,視乎投資組合是否涉及證券,可能有潛在的牌照要求(注:“證券”的定義不包括《公司條例》第 11 條所指的私人公司的股票或債權證)。如果LPF的普通合夥人,投資經理或顧問在香港開展業務及從事有關不屬於《公司條例》所指的“私人公司”定義的離岸私人公司的股份或債券的交易、提供意見或管理,則很有可能須持有相關牌照,除非有特定豁免。



本地規定並沒有限制香港管理人只能設立香港投資基金,SFO 也沒有在持牌人士從事受規管活動或證券銷售方面對本地基金和離岸基金進行區分。對於香港管理人來說,以有限合夥基金形式在開曼群島等離岸司法管轄區設立私募股權基金是很常見的,從稅收角度來看亦是較為有利及具靈活性。






張慧雯律師(郵箱:vivien.teu@vteu.co) / 何琄律師(郵箱:sarah.he@vteu.co

Hong Kong Green or ESG Investing & SFC Authorised Funds

The Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) issued its Strategic Framework for Green Finance (the Framework) on 21 September 2018, aiming to develop green finance in Hong Kong, and considering that Hong Kong is well positioned to complement Mainland China’s green development ambitions and to connect green finance flows between Mainland and the rest of the world.

Pursuant to the Framework, the SFC has the following action agenda, in summary: 

  • Enhance listed companies’ environmental and climate-related disclosures;
  • Conduct a survey on integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors, in particular environmental, in investment and risk analysis process; 
  • Facilitate the development of a wide range of green-related investments and financial products;
  • Support investor awareness, education and capacity building in green finance and investment-related matters;
  • Promote Hong Kong as an international green finance center.

With respect to the fund management industry in particular, subsequent to the issue of the Framework, on 11 April 2019[1] the SFC issued its “Circular to management companies of SFC-authorised unit trusts and mutual funds – Green or ESG funds” (the Circular).  The purpose of the Circular is to enhance disclosure comparability between similar types of SFC-authorised green or ESG funds, and their transparency and visibility in order to facilitate investors making informed investment decisions.

The SFC also conducted an industry-wide survey (the ESG Survey) from March to September 2019, intended to understand how and to what extent licensed asset management firms and leading institutional asset owners consider ESG in investment decisions and risk management, particularly those relating to climate change. The SFC issued the key findings of the ESG Survey in December 2019.  

Separately, last year a public consultation was conducted by the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEX) and in December 2019 the consultation conclusions was issued on the review to the ESG Reporting Guide and Related Listing Rules for companies listed on HKEX.  This introduced enhanced requirements on the reporting and disclosure by listed companies on ESG, in particular on board governance, requiring mandatory disclosure of board engagement on a corporation’s consideration and reporting of ESG issues in its business activities, including materiality and quantitative assessment, risk management and strategy.  On climate, there is now a new requirement for disclosure on the policies and measures to identify and mitigate climate-related issues which have impacted or may significantly impact the listed issuer, and which reflects the Recommendations of the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)[2].  The disclosure obligation on all social issues have been upgraded from recommended or voluntary disclosures to mandatory “comply or explain” disclosures.   The new requirements apply for financial years commencing on or after July 2020, and are expected to enhance the availability and quality of ESG data on HKEX-listed companies.   

In this synopsis, we focus specifically on green or ESG investing of Hong Kong licensed investment managers, including a reflection on the results of the SFC ESG Survey, and also provide a detailed overview on the current range of SFC authorised funds green of ESG funds available for public offer, with reference to the SFC requirements on green or ESG funds under the Circular, from the commonly adopted ESG or green principles or criteria, to the range of investment strategies (thematic, screening, ESG integration and active ownership) being adopted.   

The SFC’s current regulatory approach has significantly enhanced product disclosures, while not being overly prescriptive, narrow or final in what may be accepted as green or ESG investments.  This gives room for flexibility in the growing field, as the approaches and principles of ESG and green investing are still evolving globally, with hundreds of existing as well as growing numbers of ESG or green investing framework, policies, principles, standards and ratings, besides proprietary approaches.  

Undeniably green finance is becoming more and more prominent in the financial and investment industry. The SFC is expected to issue more regulatory policies or guidance on green or ESG investment products or approaches, which will be key to further develop and encourage considered and sustainable development of the field.  The investment industry, including all asset managers and asset owners being institutional investors or agents of the investing public, has an important and necessary role to lead broader impact and further engagement to meet goals in line with green or ESG principles. 

We hope this synopsis will be beneficial to fund managers in considering their green or ESG investment strategies, and also their product development plans, which may contribute to the further development of green or ESG investing and related fund products in Hong Kong.

For further information or discussion regarding the SFC requirements on green or ESG funds, SFC authorisation of investment funds, or related legal or regulatory considerations, please contact Vivien Teu, Managing Partner (Email: vivien.teu@vteu.co), Christina Suen, Counsel (Email: christina.suen@vteu.co) or any lawyer who is your usual contact at our firm.

[1] Please refer to our update and publication in April 2019 on the issue of the Circular: http://www.vteu.co/2019/04/14/green-or-esg-funds-hong-kong-regulator-issues-guidelines/

[2] The TCFD Recommendations were issued in June 2017 under an initiative of the Financial Stability Board, to develop climate-related financial disclosures that would provide the information needed by investors, lenders and insurance underwriters to appropriately assess and price climate-related risks and opportunities.  

Hong Kong Limited Partnership Fund Structure

Hong Kong Legislative Council has on 9 July 2020 passed the new legislation which introduced the Hong Kong limited partnership fund (LPF) structure, making available a new Hong Kong domiciled fund type for alternative investment funds, in particular private equity funds which are typically structured as limited partnerships.

With effect from 31 August 2020, the LPF structure may be established pursuant to the new Hong Kong Limited Partnership Fund Ordinance (LPFO). Application may be made to the Hong Kong Registrar of Companies to establish the LPF subject to the applicable requirements under the LPFO, identifying the proposed address, place of business and investment scope, the proposed general partner and proposed investment manager, as well as a proposed “Responsible Person”, which must be an authorised institution, licensed corporation, accounting person or legal professional, with responsibility to carry out anti-money laundering/counter-terrorist financing functions for the LPF.  The application to register an LPF must be submitted on behalf of the fund by a registered Hong Kong law firm or a solicitor in Hong Kong admitted to practise Hong Kong law.  The LPF will be registered if the Registrar of Companies is satisfied the application contains the necessary documents and information and the requisite application fee is paid.

As the LPF is not a separate legal person, the general partner of the LPF exercises authority and acts on behalf of the LPF. The general partner has ultimate responsibility for the management and control of the LPF and has unlimited liability for all the debts and obligations of the LPF, whereas if an authorised representative has been appointed by the general partner, the general partner and the authorised representative are jointly and severally liable and share ultimate responsibility for the LPF.  A limited partner has the benefit of limited liability under the LPF, and is not liable for debts and obligations of the LPF beyond the amount of the limited partner’s agreed contribution, but this is provided the limited partner does not take part in the management of the fund.  The LPFO specifically outlines certain activities or conduct that a limited partner may engage in that will not be regarded as taking part in the management of the fund, such as involving decisions around actual or potential conflict of interest, although those activities are not intended to be exhaustive circumstances through the exercise of which a limited partner may not be regarded as taking part in the management of the fund.

Licensing Requirements

Notably, unlike the Hong Kong open-ended fund company structure, the LPF is not subject to prior approval or (direct) regulation by the Securities & Futures Commission (SFC), Hong Kong’s primary regulatory body for the securities and futures market. The LPF must have a general partner and an investment manager that meet the respective requirements, as well as a proposed “Responsible Person” as noted above. The investment manager must be a Hong Kong resident over the age of 18 years, a Hong Kong company or a non-Hong Kong company registered with the Hong Kong Companies Registry, whereas the general partner may be one of those categories of persons, or, notably, may be a domestic or foreign limited partnership.  Where the general partner is a domestic or foreign limited partnership, the LPF must have an authorised representative that is a Hong Kong resident who is at least 18 years old, a Hong Kong company or a registered non-Hong Kong company.  There is also the requirement that an independent auditor be appointed to audit the financial statements of the LPF annually.

The conduct of business in regulated activities relating to securities and futures market is subject to potential licensing requirements by the SFC under the Hong Kong Securities & Futures Ordinance (SFO).  In January 2020, the SFC issued a Circular to stamp out previous doubts as to the applicability of licensing requirements to private equity fund managers, noting it will consider the composition of the investment portfolio, which may trigger licensing requirements if the underlying specific purpose vehicles or underlying investments of the private equity fund under management fall within the definition of “securities”.

Where a person or entity deals in, advises on or manages a portfolio of “private equity” or “venture capital”, depending on whether the portfolio involves securities (the definition of which excludes shares or debentures of a company that is a private company within the meaning of section 11 of the Companies Ordinance), there may be potential licensing requirement.  In cases where the general partner, the manager or the adviser of the LPF conducts business in Hong Kong and deals in, advises on or manages shares or debentures of private offshore companies that fall outside the definition of a “private company” under the Companies Ordinance, it is likely that the firm in question will be required to be licensed, unless any relevant exemption applies. 

It should also be noted that persons engaged in the business of offering an LPF in Hong Kong may be required to be licensed by the SFC to carry on the Type 1 regulated activity of dealing in securities, unless any relevant exemption applies.  Hong Kong managers licensed by the SFC to conduct Type 9 regulated activity of asset management may rely on an exemption to market its fund as being incidental to its conduct of asset management business.

Favourable Tax Framework

Hong Kong managers are not restricted under any local requirements to form or establish Hong Kong-domiciled investment funds, and the SFO does not differentiate between local funds or offshore funds in the conduct of regulated activities of licensed persons or offers of securities. It has been common for Hong Kong managers to establish private equity funds in the form of limited partnership funds in offshore jurisdictions such as the Cayman Islands, considered to be favourable from tax perspectives in a flexible regime. 

As of 1 April 2019, Hong Kong has a new profits tax exemption regime for investment funds, regardless of the location of central management and control, their structure, size or investment objectives, to enjoy tax exemption for transactions in specified assets subject to meeting certain conditions.  A fund may enjoy the tax exemption in connection with its investment in both overseas and local private companies. The said profits tax exemption requires that qualifying transactions for the tax exemption are carried out through or arranged by a “specified person”, meaning a corporation licensed or registered for carrying out specified regulated activity under the SFO and which would include Hong Kong licensed managers.  Hence, since April 2019 the new profits tax exemption provides a more favourable and attractive tax framework for private equity funds to be established or managed in Hong Kong.

Another key issue is the tax treatment on performance fees or carried interest from the LPF and also the remuneration of fund executives, which may become subject to Hong Kong profits tax or salaries tax.  The Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department (IRD) has in the past reiterated that funds operating in Hong Kong should ensure that true arm’s length fees are paid to the Hong Kong manager and/or advisor for the risks and functions performed.  Furthermore, the IRD noted that any performance fee or carried interest arrangement would be closely examined by the IRD if it considers that the Hong Kong investment manager or advisor is not adequately remunerated for its level of services, after considering the functions, assets and risks attributable to the operations in Hong Kong, and that general anti-avoidance provisions may be applied if the distributions received are not genuine investment returns. 

However, with the LPF structure available from 31 August 2020, Hong Kong is looking at introducing tax concessions for carried interest for private equity funds that operate in Hong Kong, the details of which are to be further issued. The industry anticipates that there would be tax concessions for carried interest of private equity fund managers to further encourage private equity fund operators to establish Hong Kong domiciled LPFs and to operate in Hong Kong.

We welcome the introduction and availability of the Hong Kong LPF to offer an additional structuring choice to sponsors and managers of private equity funds, which would enhance Hong Kong’s position as an asset management centre in private equity funds and investments, further developing Hong Kong’s dynamic fund management industry.

For further information regarding the set up of a Hong Kong limited partnership fund structure which can be established from 31 August 2020, and related licensing or tax considerations for private equity funds, please contact Vivien Teu, Managing Partner (Email: vivien.teu@vteu.co), Sarah He, Associate (Email: sarah.he@vteu.co) or any lawyer who is your usual contact at our firm.

Tax in the transparent world: a review and update on automatic exchange of information

Traditionally, business owners and investors have tended to diversify wealth and investments outside of their home jurisdictions, and the use of holding structures, with offshore companies, offshore accounts and/or trusts, or a combination thereof, is relatively common place, across many jurisdictions and has been existing for a long time.  It is usual to involve handing over legal ownership and responsibility for the assets and delegating control or investments to a third party trustee. The reasons for setting up a trust varies but with growing global wealth, there continues to be ever-growing needs for such arrangements for maintaining and protecting wealth for future generations, and as succession planning.  In a wealth management centre like Hong Kong, for instance, we continually see increasing demands for trust set-up among high-net-worth individuals and families in China and the rest of Asia, amongst others.

Meantime, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (“OECD”) has in recent years doubled up efforts of (non-US) tax authorities globally towards chasing taxpayers who are flying under the radar of their home countries’ tax authorities and who do not declare their income or gains arising from assets or investments held overseas.   As a responsible member of the international community and in keeping up its international reputation and competitiveness as an international financial centre, Hong Kong has also adopted automatic exchange of information between tax authorities, moving from its previous position of providing information only upon request. 

In this synopsis, we provide an outline of the global changes that have driven the enhancement of tax transparency – more specifically, the international standard on automatic exchange of financial account information in tax matters, which has now been implemented by many jurisdictions globally including Hong Kong and China.

Lexology GTDT Fund Management

The Lexology Getting the Deal Through Guide for Fund Management is now published. Access this link for all the chapters across 15 jurisdictions and a comparison tool: https://www.lexology.com/gtdt/workareas/fund-management

We are pleased to have contributed the Hong Kong chapter alongside many distinguished firms focused on fund management areas, and to have worked with Lexology GTDT team on this publication.

Please access our Hong Kong chapter here.

Chambers Private Wealth 2019


近日,亚洲知名法律评级机构 《亚洲法律概况》(Asialaw Profiles)发布了2020年度榜单。凭借出色的专业服务及良好的市场口碑, 张慧雯律师事务所在投资基金业务领域中再次被列为受高度推荐香港律所

本所也于银行及金融业务领域 、法规及监管业务领域 和私募股权业务领域被列为受推荐香港律所。同时,本所也就银行及金融服务业务及私人客户业务领域被列为受瞩目香港律所。

管理合伙人张慧雯律师就投资基金业务领域及企业、并购业务领域获评 “领先律师 – 受瞩目律师”。

本所非常感谢 《亚洲法律概况》 和业界及客户们的长期支持及认可,在此致谢!

Asialaw Profiles 2020

In the recent Asialaw Profiles 2020 published by Asialaw, the distinguished legal media outlet covering comprehensive analysis on leading regional and domestic law firms in the Asia-Pacific region, based on strong clients feedback and peer review on the firm’s professionalism, Vivien Teu & Co LLP has been ranked for the second year in a row as “Highly Recommended” Hong Kong law Firm for the investment funds practice area.  

Our firm has also been ranked “Recommended” Hong Kong law Firm for the practice areas in “Banking & Finance”, “Regulatory” and “Private Equity”, and as a notable firm for “Banking & Financial Services” and “Private Clients”.

Our Managing Partner, Vivien Teu, has been named “Asialaw leading lawyer – notable practitioner” for the investment funds practice area and for corporate and mergers & acquisition. 

We are very grateful for the continuing support and recognition from Asialaw and our friends / clients in the industry – with all our thanks!!