SFC Further Guidance on Suitability Obligation

Following the regulatory changes in 2016 that increased suitability requirements on licensed persons when soliciting or recommending investment products to clients, the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) has on 23 December 2016 issued two sets of Frequently-Asked-Questions (FAQs) to clarify and provide further guidance to the industry on meeting the suitability obligation.

The first set of FAQs on Triggering of Suitability Obligations clarifies the circumstances under which the suitability obligation would apply.  The second set of FAQs on Compliance with Suitability Obligations by Licensed or Registered Persons provides further guidance on the SFC’s expectations on satisfying the suitability obligation.

Please refer to our legal update for further information:

Hong Kong Securities & Futures Commission introduces Managers-in-Charge Regime

The Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) has issued its “Circular to Licensed Corporations Regarding Measures for Augmenting the Accountability of Senior Management” which introduces additional specific requirements and expectations of the SFC regarding senior management personnel of licensed corporations (referred to below as “the Managers-in-Charge Circular”).

The Managers-in-Charge Circular was published on 16 December 2016 and shall be effective from 18 April 2017 (“Commencement Date”).  It is intended to enhance accountability and transparency of senior management of licensed corporations in the conduct of business operations. Existing licensed corporations will need to submit to the SFC additional information on and particulars of their senior management personnel who are responsible over 8 core functions (the “Managers-in-Charge”) within 3 months of the Commencement Date, latest by 17 July 2017.  With effect from the Commencement Date, applicants for license with the SFC to engage in regulated activities in securities and futures businesses will need to submit such additional information on their proposed Managers-in-Charge together with the intended human resources and organizational structure when applying to the SFC for license.   Any change in the appointment or particulars of the Managers-in-Charge of a licensed entity should be notified to the SFC within 7 business days.

Core Functions

The new Managers-in-Charge framework would impact senior management persons over the following 8 categories of functions within a licensed corporation:

  1. Overall Management Oversight (eg. Chief Executive Officer, President);
  2. Key Business Line (of the regulated activities – eg. Chief Investment Officer, Head of Equity, Head of Corporate Finance, Chief Rating Analyst, Head of Fund Marketing);
  3. Operational Control and Review (eg. Chief Operating Officer, Head of Operations, Head of Internal Audit);
  4. Risk Management (eg. Chief Risk Officer, Head of Risk Management);
  5. Finance and Accounting (eg. Chief Finance Officer, Financial Controller, Finance Director);
  6. Information Technology (eg. Chief Information Officer, Head of Information Technology);
  7. Compliance (eg. Chief Compliance Officer, Head of Legal and Compliance);
  8. Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing (eg. Head of Financial Crime Prevention, Head of Compliance).

Information regarding the job position and reporting lines of the Managers-in-Charge will need to be submitted, together with details on the identity and residence of the Managers-in-Charge.

Read our full publication here:  

Investing via the Shenzhen–Hong Kong Stock Connect – Disclosure and Approval Requirements for SFC authorized funds

Further to the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect announced in 2014, in August 2016, a good two years later, it was jointly announced by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) and the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) that the Shenzhen–Hong Kong Stock Connect will soon be implemented.  It is anticipated that the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect will be launched in November 2016.

Expanded universe of stocks for cross-market access

Stock Connect refers to the program that allows mutual stock market access between Mainland China and Hong Kong, whereby Mainland investors may access eligible Hong Kong stocks within scope through their domestic Mainland securities firms, while Hong Kong investors may access eligible Mainland stocks within scope through Hong Kong brokers. Hong Kong investors already able to access selected stocks listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange under the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect will now also have access to selected stock lists on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SZSE) through the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect.

The Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect will expand the universe of Mainland stocks that may be accessed by Hong Kong and international investors through the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, in particular eligible constituent stocks of the SZSE Component Index and SZSE Small/Mid Cap Innovation Index.  To be eligible, relevant constituent stock should have a market capitalization of RMB6 billion or above.  All SZSE-listed shares of companies which also has H-shares listed in Hong Kong would also be within scope.   On the other hand, Mainland investors will be able to access constituent stocks of the Hang Seng Composite LargeCap Index and Hang Seng Composite MidCap Index, any constituent stock of Hang Seng Composite SmallCap Index with market capitalization of HK$5 billion or above, and shares of all companies with both listed H shares and A shares.

ChiNext access restricted

However, while the range of accessible stocks have broadened for investors’ cross-market access, the regulators have stipulated that, for the Northbound link, at the initial stage, only institutional professional investors as defined under Hong Kong law and regulations will be able to invest in shares listed on the ChiNext Board of SZSE.

The restriction that only institutional professional investors may access ChiNext stocks may be considered to be in line with the SFC enhanced investor protection measures including around increased regulatory requirements around suitability of investments and financial products for investors, which may now be exempted only for institutional professional investors or corporate professional investors that satisfy relevant conditions under a designated assessment of investment decision-making process and investment personnel.  The definition of “institutional professional investors” as defined in the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap 571) (SFO) covers mostly regulated financial institutions such as licensed investment intermediaries, banks, insurance companies, central banks.  Collective investment schemes authorized by the SFC under Section 104 of the SFO (SFC Authorised Funds), registered schemes or constituent funds under the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance (Cap 485) (MPF Schemes) and registered schemes under the Occupational Retirement Schemes Ordinance (Cap 426) (ORSO Schemes).

Accordingly, investors who are not “institutional professional investors” under Hong Kong law and regulations and initially unable to access ChiNext stocks under the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Connect may only have exposure through SFC-Authorized Funds.  Investment by MPF Schemes in Mainland securities are limited to 10% of the scheme’s net asset value.

SFC Updated FAQ re Shenzhen-Hong Kong Connect

On 25 October 2016, the SFC updated question No. 19 under its “Frequently Asked Questions on Post Authorization Compliance Issues of SFC-authorized Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds” (SFC’s FAQ) regarding disclosure and approval requirements for participation in Stock Connect, to include Shenzhen–Hong Kong Stock Connect within scope.  Details are set out in our latest publication:











[1] 经合组织已建立一个门户网站,提供有关已承诺实施自动信息交换之司法辖区税务居住地规则的信息: http://www.oecd.org/tax/automatic-exchange/crs-implementation-and-assistance/tax-residency/#d.en.347760


Hong Kong Implementation of Common Reporting Standard and Automatic Exchange of Information

The Common Reporting Standard (CRS) introduced by the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) for inter-governmental automatic exchange of information (AEOI) is a significant initiative that could be a paradigm shift in the financial industry.

CRS will soon be implemented in Hong Kong, following the Inland Revenue (Amendment) (No.3) Ordinance 2016, published in the Gazette and became effective on 30 June 2016. Financial institutions and intermediaries in Hong Kong will be under legal obligation to report to the Inland Revenue Department (IRD) on financial accounts for reportable persons, starting 2017, with first reporting to be made to IRD by 31 May the following year, ie. 31 May 2018. Hong Kong IRD will conduct the first automatic information exchange with relevant jurisdictions on a reciprocal basis by the end of 2018.

According to the IRD: Under the AEOI standard, a financial institution (FI) is required to identify financial accounts held by tax residents of reportable jurisdictions in accordance with due diligence procedures.  FIs are required to collect the reportable information of these accounts and furnish such information to the Department.  The Department will exchange the information with the tax authorities of the AEOI partner jurisdictions on an annual basis.

The AEOI requirement will cover individuals who are tax residents of “reportable jurisdictions”, being jurisdictions with which Hong Kong has entered into an AEOI arrangement.  Financial institutions are not required to report information on accounts where the account holder is not tax resident in a jurisdiction with AEOI agreement with Hong Kong.

As stated, in general, whether or not an individual is a tax resident of a jurisdiction is determined by having regard to the person’s physical presence or stay in a place (e.g. whether over 183 days within a tax year) or, in the case of a company, the place of incorporation or where the central management and control of the entity lies.[1] FIs may request account holders to provide self-certifications on tax residency in order to determine whether the accounts fall within scope of reporting under AEOI.

On 9 September 2016, the IRD issued the “Guidance for Financial Institutions” (Guidance), with further detailed guidelines on the relevant reporting requirements and due diligence procedures, and includes clarifications with respect to collective investment schemes, and the treatment of trusts. A summary of the Guidance is set out in this update:

[1] OECD has established a portal which provides information on tax residency rules in jurisdictions which have committed to implementing AEOI: http://www.oecd.org/tax/automatic-exchange/crs-implementation-and-assistance/tax-residency/#d.en.347760

Access to China Interbank Bond Market for Hong Kong Retail Funds

Up until mid-February 2016, foreign institutional investors accessing China onshore bonds through the China Interbank Bond Market (CIBM) would do so via the RQFII/ QFII regime, which is subject to specific restrictions and compliance requirements specifically on investment quota and repatriation.  Access to CIBM was otherwise limited to foreign central banks or monetary authorities, RMB settlement banks and settlement participating banks.

On 24 February 2016, Announcement No. 3 issued by the People’s Bank of China (PBoC) liberalized the CIBM, allowing foreign institutional investors, including commercial banks, insurance companies, fund management companies/asset management institutions, investment products and funds, to directly access the CIBM and trade in onshore RMB bonds upon successful application to their settlement agents.

Subsequently on 27 May 2016 both PBoC and SAFE issued implementing rules setting out the details to put Announcement No.3 into effect. Settlement Agents are delegated with the responsibility to determine the eligibility of foreign institutional investors, which should be ‘medium and long term’ investors.

Both corporate entities and fund/ managed accounts can apply for access. In applying, potential investors will need to fill out information regarding investment period and investment quota, and would also need to indicate whether they are existing RQFII or QFII holders. Existing RQFII or QFII holders will still be subject to the relevant restrictions on capital repatriation and investment quota, whereas a first time CIMB investor will be subject to the specific Announcement No.3 requirements and compliance with a currency ratio on repatriation. It is recommended that investors should enter the CIBM in one capacity only, ie. either through RQFII/QFII or directly under Announcement No.3.

For Hong Kong retail funds authorized by the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC), on 11 July 2016, the SFC issued a FAQ No. 20 under its “Frequently Asked Questions on Post Authorization Compliance Issues of SFC-authorized Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds” (SFC’s FAQ) regarding disclosure and approval requirements for participation in the CIBM. Fund issuers should note the following points reflecting SFC’s disclosure requirements before making such investments.

If a fund shall make a substantial investment in RMB denominated debt/ money market instruments (RMB Bonds) (i.e. 30% or more of the fund’s NAV):

  • When the existing investment objectives and strategy do not cover substantial investment in the RMB Bonds, e.g. a US bond fund, prior SFC approval will need to be sought to amend the investment objectives to include RMB Bonds and at least 1 month’s prior notice to investors are required before such investments can be made.
  • When the existing disclosures allow investments in RMB Bonds to be made (whether via CIBM or RQFII/QFII regime), generally no further prior approval from SFC is required for accessing the CIBM directly if the fund issuer considers such changes as immaterial (as per definition under SFC’s FAQ).  The fund issuer will still need to notify the shareholders of this change as soon as reasonably practicable.
  • The offering documents (including the product key facts statement for Hong Kong investors) should be updated to include further details, e.g. the intended proportion of investments via direct access under Announcement No.3, and additional key risks. While direct access under Announcement No.3 is not subject to quota risks, fund issuers should consider whether other applicable key risks are already set out in the offering documents, e.g. China investment risks including capital control, custody risk. Issuers should also consider inclusion of other specific risks such as uncertainty or lack of clarity on the withholding tax arrangement for investment via CIBM.
  • In particular, fund issuers should ensure that proper Mainland custodian arrangements are in place regarding safe custody and segregation of assets for the investment under CIBM, and if the fund is one that primarily invests in the Mainland market (ie. investing more than 70% for Hong Kong funds or more than two-thirds for UCITS funds), the offering documents should include an extract of a Mainland legal opinion (or a confirmation, as applicable) relating to such.
  • The updated offering documents should be filed with SFC as soon as practicable.

If a fund shall make an ancillary investment in RMB Bonds (i.e. more than 10% but less than 30% of the fund’s NAV):

  • Generally no SFC prior approval is required but fund issuers should ensure that the offering documents should be updated to include further details and risks as outlined above. The updated offering documents should be filed with SFC as soon as practicable and will be subject to post vesting by the SFC.
  • The fund issuer should notify the shareholders of this change as soon as reasonably practicable.

If a fund shall make minimal investment in RMB Bonds (ie. less than 10% of the fund’s NAV)

  • No SFC prior approval required. Fund issuers should exercise discretion/ judgement and consider if any updates are necessary.

This update is provided for general information only and is not intended as legal advice in any specific case. Please contact Vivien Teu (vivien.teu@vteu.co) or Christina Suen (christina.suen@vteu.co) for any enquiry or assistance on the subject matter.


上周五,2016年4月22日,香港证券及期货事务监察委员会(“香港证监会”)宣布正式采用其优化基金申请及认可程序(优化程序),成为香港证监会政策,从2016年5月9日起生效。 优化程序如今也将延伸涵盖内地基金根据内地与香港基金互认安排申请认可的基金(“基金互认申请”)。

优化程序的实施经历了从2015年11月9日至2016年5月8日的6个月试验期(“试验期”)。 试验期被认为取得成功,在该期间香港证监会注意到新的基金申请的提交材料质量有所提升,申请人的回应普遍更为及时,新的基金申请的总处理时间缩短,达到香港证监会在优化程序下的目标处理时限。


  • 更新的单位信托及互惠基金根据优化程序的认可申请资料查检表(“更新的资料查检表”);
  • 更新的单位信托及互惠基金认可申请操作及程序指引(“更新的指引”);及
  • 更新的单位信托及互惠基金根据优化程序的认可申请程序常见问题(“更新的单位信托守则常见问题”)。


香港证监会也引入了新的内地基金根据基金互认安排及优化程序申请香港证监会认可的资料查检表(“新的基金互认资料查检表”),包括新的合规确认的标准化模板已包含于新的基金互认资料查检表。 对于香港证监会于2016年5月6日或之前收到的新的基金互认申请,现有的内地基金根据基金互认安排申请香港证监会认可的资料查检表(“现有的基金互认资料查检表”)仍可使用。

内地与香港基金互认常见问题(“更新的基金互认常见问题”)的新增H章节指出,根据优化程序,香港证监会将于收到申请文件后5个工作日发出“受理函”,而目前基金互认申请的受理为2个工作日。 根据对非标准申请的优化程序(将从2016年5月9日起适用于基金互认申请),答复香港证监会提问的预计时限将缩短至分别14个工作日或10个工作日(如适用)。

香港证监会于2016年5月9日或之后收到的基金互认申请应根据优化程序作为“非标准申请”接受强化的处理安排,直至香港证监会后续另外通知。 就“非标准申请”的目标处理时间而言,香港证监会旨在缩短认可时间至申请提交起大约2至3个月。目前,基金互认申请一般花费长达6个月处理时间。

更新的资料查检表适用于香港证监会于2016年4月22日或之后收到的新的基金申请(即时有效)。 然而,如果香港证监会在2016年5月6日或之前收到申请,则申请人可以选择提交更新的资料查检表的旧版本。 从2016年5月9日起,所有提交给香港证监会的申请必须使用更新的资料查检表。

New Hong Kong Competition Ordinance – Points for Financial Services Industry

The Hong Kong Competition Ordinance (the “Ordinance”) came into full effect in Hong Kong on 14 December 2015.  The Ordinance which covers the whole economy of Hong Kong was first introduced into the Legislative Council in 2010 and was subsequently passed on 14 June 2012.  The full force of the Ordinance was not brought into effect immediately (for three and a half years) but its full implementation was delayed to allow businesses and industries in Hong Kong to understand the new law and take necessary time and steps to comply with its requirements.  The objective of the Ordinance is to restrain anti-competitive conduct and any abuse of market power.  The Ordinance also covers merger activities but for now, the rules on merger shall only apply to participants in the telecommunications industry.

In recent years, there has been increasing scrutiny of the financial sector by competition regulators in overseas jurisdictions, and this trend is expected to continue here in Hong Kong under the new regulatory regime.  For example, the high profile investigations by anti-competition authorities in 2011 on whether some of the largest banks in the world had reached agreements to fix the London interbank offered rate (Libor) comes to mind.  This article aims to provide an overview on the key provisions of the Ordinance and consider the implications for the financial services industry:

New Changes to Hong Kong Professional Investors Regime Now Effective

Significant changes to the professional investors regime in Hong Kong are now effective, from 25 March 2016.  This reform to the professional investor regime is brought about 18 months after the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (the “SFC”) published its “Consultation Conclusions on the Proposed Amendments to the Professional Investor Regime” and “Further Consultation on the Client Agreement Requirements” on 25 September 2014 (the “New Professional Investor Regime”). The reform brings about new changes with respect to professional investors who are individuals, and also corporate professional investors.

All individual investors will now need to be treated in the same way as retail investors, whereby intermediaries will be required to ensure the suitability of a recommendation or solicitation of investment products. When dealing with all individual investors, financial intermediaries must establish the client’s financial situation, investment experience and investment objectives, assess the client’s knowledge of derivatives and characterize the client based on his knowledge of derivatives, and to enter into a written client agreement.

Previously, financial intermediaries could be exempted from these obligations when dealing with individual professional investors, by asking such individual investors to waive the related investor protection provisions and confirm the willingness to be treated as professional investors. Correspondingly, for investment vehicles, family trusts and “corporate professional investors” that are not institutional investors, intermediaries may only “dis-apply” certain investor protection provisions if the investor passes a new set of assessment criteria on its investment knowledge and sophistication.

For details, please refer to our Client Update: